Thursday, September 27, 2007

Eating Charles Dickens

I met a poet today in a bookstore-restaurant where I waitress. There is probably no other bookstore-restaurant in the country where you can buy food and walk away with books. As a waitress I get first pick of all the books and--as a writer--I think it is beyond cool to discover donated books in this venue.
So here I am being a good little waitress, and I find that a regular customer is a poet. No romance here, just a love of language between a carpet salesman/poet and a waitress/poetess. and I'm amazed at the irony. Truth is stranger than fiction, because when the stars align and ironic coincidence occurs in life, we think of--as nearly contrived--what would be considered trite in fiction. funny thing.

1 comment:

  1. I was very pleased to find this comment on your site.I have read the others as well. Just finished your latest. (The poem I'm working on touches some of the same nerves.)
    What I want to say is you writing is really very good.
